Positive Words That Start with H (and Their Meaning)

Hello, and welcome to Smart Positivity. In this article you will find a list full of positive words, as well as their meaning.

But before we get to the list, let’s have a quick word about positive words.

Quick word about positive words

One of the most important things to know about words is that they have a lot of power, especially positive words.

Wheatear they are written or spoken, positive words, your positive words can empower, encourage, they can motivate, and they can inspire you and the people around you.

While positive words have a lot of power, they won’t be able to do too much on their own if you don’t try to be at least a little bit receptive. A lot of positive words, like most words, can have multiple meanings. And if you try to see the negative side of things, not even the most positive word in the world will seem that positive to you. So basically, the more you try to think about being positive, the greater the effect of the positive words will be.

I know from personal experience that trying to maintain a positive attitude during hard times can be challenging, but it can be done if you practice.

At the end of the article, after the positive word list I will share with you a small tip, or exercise if you want, that drastically helped me in my day to day life when it comes to maintaining a positive attitude.

But before that, here is a table with the positive words, and after the table you will find list with the same positive words, as well as their meaning and an example of how to use them in a sentence.

And remember every word can be a positive word if you want it.

Table of positive words that start with H


List of positive words that start with H and their meaning


Meaning: Calm; peaceful; tranquil, rich; wealthy; prosperous, happy; joyful; carefree.

Example: Halcyon days of youth.


Meaning: Free from disease or infirmity; robust; vigorous.

Example: Hale and hearty men in the prime of life.


Meaning: Having an attractive, well-proportioned, and imposing appearance suggestive of health and strength; good-looking, having pleasing proportions, relationships, or arrangements, as of shapes, forms, or colors; attractive.

Example: A handsome person.


Meaning: Within easy reach; conveniently available; accessible, convenient or useful.

Example: A typewriter is a handy thing to have in the house.


Meaning: The state of being happy.

Example: She struggled to find happiness in her life.


Meaning: Delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing, characterized by or indicative of pleasure, contentment, or joy.

Example: A happy mood.


Meaning: Possessing or enjoying good health or a sound and vigorous mentality.

Example: A healthy mind.


Meaning: Curing or curative; prescribed or helping to heal, growing sound; getting well; mending.

Example: A healing experience.


Meaning: The center of the total personality, especially with reference to intuition, feeling, or emotion.

Example: In your heart you know I’m an honest man.


Meaning: The state of being in agreement or concord.

Example: Man, and machine in perfect harmony.


Meaning: To bring into harmony, accord, or agreement.

Example: To harmonize one’s views with the new situation.


Meaning: The quality of being humane; benevolence.

Example: He praised them for their standards of humanity and care.


Meaning: Resembling or befitting heaven; blissful; beautiful.

Example: His home in Tahiti was a heavenly spot.


Meaning: Without the power or desire to do harm; innocuous.

Example: He looks mean but he’s harmless; a harmless Halloween prank.


Meaning: To give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need; contribute strength or means to; render assistance to; cooperate effectively with; aid; assist.

Example: He planned to help me with my work. Let me help you with those packages.


Meaning: Giving or rendering aid or assistance; of service.

Example: Your comments were very helpful.


Meaning: The feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.

Example: The hope of winning.


Meaning: Gratifying; rewarding; satisfying.

Example: A heart-warming response to his work.


Meaning: The friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.

Example: Australia is renowned for its hospitality.


Meaning: Full of hope; expressing hope.

Example: His hopeful words stimulated optimism.


Meaning: Capable of enduring fatigue, hardship, exposure, etc.; sturdy; strong.

Example: Hardy explorers of northern Canada.


Meaning: Marked by agreement in feeling, attitude, or action.

Example: A harmonious group.


Meaning: A chief or leader.

Example: He is the headman of this group.


Meaning: Forward movement; progress in a forward direction, progress in general.

Example: Headway in a career.


Meaning: Conducive to health; wholesome or salutary.

Example: A healthful diet.


Meaning: Deeply or sincerely felt.

Example: Heartfelt sympathy.


Meaning: In a hearty manner; cordially, sincerely; genuinely.

Example: He was greeted heartily.


Meaning: Warm-hearted; affectionate; cordial; jovial, genuine; sincere; heartfelt.

Example: Hearty approval.


Meaning: To increase the degree or amount of; augment, to strengthen, deepen, or intensify.

Example: To heighten the plot of a story.


Meaning: A person or thing that helps or gives assistance, support, etc.

Example: He was a great helper.


Meaning: A person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character.

Example: He became a local hero when he saved the drowning child.


Meaning: Having or displaying the character or attributes of a hero; extraordinarily bold, altruistic, determined, etc. having or involving recourse to boldness, daring, or extreme measures.

Example: Heroic measures were taken to save his life.


Meaning: Draw special attention to.

Example: The issues highlighted by the report.


Meaning: Arousing great merriment; extremely funny.

Example: A hilarious story.


Meaning: Respect or reverence paid or rendered.

Example: In his speech he paid homage to Washington and Jefferson.


Meaning: Honorable in principles, intentions, and actions; upright and fair.

Example: An honest person.


Meaning: Honesty, fairness, or integrity in one’s beliefs and actions.

Example: A man of honor.


Meaning: In accordance with or characterized by principles of honor; upright, of high rank, dignity, or distinction; noble, illustrious, or distinguished.

Example: They were all honorable men.


Meaning: It is hoped; if all goes well.

Example: Hopefully, we will get to the show on time.


Meaning: Highly successful and aggressive.

Example: A hotshot lawyer.


Meaning: To cling firmly or fondly to; cherish.

Example: To hug an opinion.


Meaning: Evoking a desire to hug close; inviting a close embrace; cuddly.

Example: A huggable little baby.


Meaning: Characterized by tenderness, compassion, and sympathy for people and animals, especially for the suffering or distressed.

Example: Humane treatment.


Meaning: Not proud or arrogant; modest.

Example: To be humble although successful.


Meaning: A comic, absurd, or incongruous quality causing amusement.

Example: The humor of a situation.

One last tip

In the end I would like you to recommend you a simple, easy and short exercise that can drastically improve your day and your overall life.

Start your day by choosing a positive word and try to make a couple of sentences that can apply to your daily life, and try to follow up on those sentences. Here is an example, let’s say that the word you choose is “Family”. One of the sentences could be something like:

“Today after I’m done working, I will spend some time with my family.”

Or, if the word is “Positive” one of the sentences can look like this:

“I will try to keep a positive attitude for the rest of the day.”

The sentences don’t have to be too long or too complicated, try to keep them as simple as possible. They also don’t have to include complicated actions, the simpler they are the better.

From personal experience I would suggest you to start with very simple sentences, this way you will be able to follow them, and over time try to make them a little more complex. The important part is to keep them at a complexity level that you can follow.

If you want a little help with choosing a new word every day you can visit this page that will offer you a new word every time you visit.

The words on this page are handpicked by me, and they are the same words I use every day. I started doing this exercise many years ago and it ended up doing wanders for me, and I sincerely hope it will do the same for you.

To make sure we provide the best definitions for the positive words we used multiple reputable sources such as: Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary, Dictionary.com, Merriam- Webster Dictionary, Lexico.com.

While the words used in this article can have multiple definitions and meanings, I tried to choose the most positive ones.

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