Positive Words That Start with D (and Their Meaning)

Hello, and welcome to Smart Positivity. In this article you will find a list full of positive words, as well as their meaning.

But before we get to the list, let’s have a quick word about positive words.

Quick word about positive words

One of the most important things to know about words is that they have a lot of power, especially positive words.

Wheatear they are written or spoken, positive words, your positive words can empower, encourage, they can motivate, and they can inspire you and the people around you.

While positive words have a lot of power, they won’t be able to do too much on their own if you don’t try to be at least a little bit receptive. A lot of positive words, like most words, can have multiple meanings. And if you try to see the negative side of things, not even the most positive word in the world will seem that positive to you. So basically, the more you try to think about being positive, the greater the effect of the positive words will be.

I know from personal experience that trying to maintain a positive attitude during hard times can be challenging, but it can be done if you practice.

At the end of the article, after the positive word list I will share with you a small tip, or exercise if you want, that drastically helped me in my day to day life when it comes to maintaining a positive attitude.

But before that, here is a table with the positive words, and after the table you will find list with the same positive words, as well as their meaning and an example of how to use them in a sentence.

And remember every word can be a positive word if you want it.

Table of positive words that start with D


List of positive words that start with D and their meaning


Meaning: Of delicate beauty; exquisite, pleasing to the taste and, often, temptingly served or delicate; delicious.

Example: A dainty lace handkerchief.


Meaning: Adventurous courage; boldness.

Example: That was a daring move.


Meaning: A person very dear to another; one dearly loved, a person or thing in great favor; a favorite.

Example: She was the darling of café society.


Meaning: Energetic and spirited; lively, elegant and gallant in appearance and manner, showy; stylish.

Example: A dashing hero.


Meaning: Not to be daunted or intimidated; fearless; intrepid; bold.

Example: A dauntless firefighter.


Meaning: Beloved or loved.

Example: A dear friend.


Meaning: Courteous, gracious, and having a sophisticated charm.

Example: A debonair gentleman.


Meaning: Behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.

Example: She had the decency to come and confess.


Meaning: Conforming to the recognized standard of propriety, good taste, modesty, etc., as in behavior or speech; respectable; worthy.

Example: A decent family.


Meaning: Having the power or quality of deciding; putting an end to controversy; crucial or most important, characterized by or displaying no or little hesitation; resolute; determined.

Example: The general was known for his decisive manner.


Meaning: In keeping with good taste and propriety; polite and restrained.

Example: Jane gave David a decorous kiss


Meaning: Wholly committed to something, as to an ideal, political cause, or personal goal, set apart or reserved for a specific use or purpose.

Example: A dedicated artist.


Meaning: At or to a considerable extent downward; well within or beneath a surface, to a thorough extent or profound degree.

Example: Deeply committed.


Meaning: To ward off attack from; guard against assault or injury, to maintain by argument, evidence, etc.; uphold.

Example: She defended her claim successfully.


Meaning: Without doubt, in a definite manner; clearly.

Example: I shall definitely be at the train station to meet you.


Meaning: Having its fixed and final form; providing a solution or final answer; satisfying all criteria.

Example: The definitive answer to a dilemma.


Meaning: Delightful; highly pleasing; enjoyable, delicious.

Example: A delectable witticism.


Meaning: Carefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional.

Example: A deliberated plan.


Meaning: Something delightful or pleasing, especially a choice food considered with regard to its rarity, costliness, or the like.

Example: Caviar is a great delicacy.


Meaning: Fine in texture, quality, construction, etc.

Example: A delicate lace collar.


Meaning: Very pleasing; delightful, highly pleasing to the senses, especially to taste or smell.

Example: A delicious sense of humor.


Meaning: Something that gives great pleasure.

Example: The dance was a delight to see.


Meaning: Of special elegance, sumptuousness, or fineness; high or highest in quality, luxury, etc.

Example: A deluxe edition of Shakespeare bound in leather.


Meaning: Unrestrained in showing feelings, especially those of affection.

Example: We were a very physically demonstrative family/


Meaning: To rely; place trust.

Example: You may depend on the accuracy of the report.


Meaning: Capable of being depended on; worthy of trust; reliable.

Example: A dependable employee.


Meaning: To merit, be qualified for, or have a claim to (reward, assistance, punishment, etc.) because of actions, qualities, or situation.

Example: A theory that deserves consideration.


Meaning: Worth having or wanting; pleasing, excellent, or fine.

Example: A desirable apartment.


Meaning: To bring out the capabilities or possibilities of; bring to a more advanced or effective state.

Example: To develop one’s musical talent.


Meaning: Zealous or ardent in attachment, loyalty, or affection.

Example: A devoted friend.


Meaning: Skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands.

Example: Her dexterity with chopsticks.


Meaning: Not alike in character or quality; distinct in nature; dissimilar.

Example: The two brothers are very different, although they are identical twins.


Meaning: Characterized or marked by dignity of aspect or manner; stately; decorous.

Example: Dignified conduct.


Meaning: To give a high-sounding title or name to; confer unmerited distinction upon.

Example: To dignify pedantry by calling it scholarship.


Meaning: Skilled in dealing with sensitive matters or people; tactful.

Example: Diplomatic officials.


Meaning: To manage or guide by advice, helpful information, instruction, etc.

Example: He directed the company through a difficult time.


Meaning: The management or guidance of someone or something.

Example: Under her direction, the college has developed an international reputation.


Meaning: Exactly; precisely, at once; without delay; immediately.

Example: Do that directly.


Meaning: Removing or capable of removing hostility, suspicion, etc., as by being charming.

Example: A disarming smile/


Meaning: Activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training.

Example: A daily stint at the typewriter is excellent discipline for a writer.


Meaning: Judicious in one’s conduct or speech, especially with regard to respecting privacy or maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature; prudent; circumspect.

Example: I entrusted him with the secret because he is very discreet.


Meaning: The power or right to decide or act according to one’s own judgment; freedom of judgment or choice.

Example: It is entirely within my discretion whether I will go or stay.


Meaning: Distinguished as not being the same; not identical; separate.

Example: His private and public lives are distinct.


Meaning: A marking off or distinguishing as different.

Example: His distinction of sounds is excellent.


Meaning: Serving to distinguish; characteristic; distinguishing, having a special quality, style, attractiveness, etc.; notable.

Example: The distinctive stripes of the zebra.


Meaning: Made conspicuous by excellence; noted; eminent; famous.

Example: A distinguished scholar.


Meaning: Of a different kind, form, character, etc.; unlike.

Example: A wide range of diverse opinions.


Meaning: Capable of being done.

Example: A hard task, but a doable task.


Meaning: A person or thing that does something, especially a person who gets things done with vigor and efficiency.

Example: He is a real doer.


Meaning: Ruling, governing, or controlling; having or exerting authority or influence.

Example: Dominant in the chain of command.


Meaning: An act or instance of presenting something as a gift, grant, or contribution.

Example: The charity received a huge donation.


Meaning: A person who gives or donates.

Example: He is one of our most generous donors.


Meaning: Excessively fond.

Example: Doting parents.


Meaning: Able to resist wear, decay, etc., well; lasting; enduring.

Example: That is quite a durable table.

One last tip

In the end I would like you to recommend you a simple, easy and short exercise that can drastically improve your day and your overall life.

Start your day by choosing a positive word and try to make a couple of sentences that can apply to your daily life, and try to follow up on those sentences. Here is an example, let’s say that the word you choose is “Family”. One of the sentences could be something like:

“Today after I’m done working, I will spend some time with my family.”

Or, if the word is “Positive” one of the sentences can look like this:

“I will try to keep a positive attitude for the rest of the day.”

The sentences don’t have to be too long or too complicated, try to keep them as simple as possible. They also don’t have to include complicated actions, the simpler they are the better.

From personal experience I would suggest you to start with very simple sentences, this way you will be able to follow them, and over time try to make them a little more complex. The important part is to keep them at a complexity level that you can follow.

If you want a little help with choosing a new word every day you can visit this page that will offer you a new word every time you visit.

The words on this page are handpicked by me, and they are the same words I use every day. I started doing this exercise many years ago and it ended up doing wanders for me, and I sincerely hope it will do the same for you.

To make sure we provide the best definitions for the positive words we used multiple reputable sources such as: Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary, Dictionary.com, Merriam- Webster Dictionary, Lexico.com.

While the words used in this article can have multiple definitions and meanings, I tried to choose the most positive ones.

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