Positive Words That Start with B (and Their Meaning)

Hello, and welcome to Smart Positivity. In this article you will find a list full of positive words, as well as their meaning.

But before we get to the list, let’s have a quick word about positive words.

Quick word about positive words

One of the most important things to know about words is that they have a lot of power, especially positive words.

Wheatear they are written or spoken, positive words, your positive words can empower, encourage, they can motivate, and they can inspire you and the people around you.

While positive words have a lot of power, they won’t be able to do too much on their own if you don’t try to be at least a little bit receptive. A lot of positive words, like most words, can have multiple meanings. And if you try to see the negative side of things, not even the most positive word in the world will seem that positive to you. So basically, the more you try to think about being positive, the greater the effect of the positive words will be.

I know from personal experience that trying to maintain a positive attitude during hard times can be challenging, but it can be done if you practice.

At the end of the article, after the positive word list I will share with you a small tip, or exercise if you want, that drastically helped me in my day to day life when it comes to maintaining a positive attitude.

But before that, here is a table with the positive words, and after the table you will find list with the same positive words, as well as their meaning and an example of how to use them in a sentence.

And remember every word can be a positive word if you want it.

Table of positive words that start with B

BoldBona FideBonanza

List of positive words that start with B and their meaning


Meaning: A person or thing that supports or reinforces another.

Example: Don’t warry I will be your backup.


Meaning: Being in harmonious or proper arrangement or adjustment, proportion, etc.

Example: A balanced diet will do wanders for your health.


Meaning: Certain to bring profit and success, reliable.

Example: A bankable assurance.


Meaning: Smiling broadly; grinning.

Example: His beaming face told its own story.


Meaning: Bestowing bliss, blessings, happiness, or the like.

Example: A beatific peace settled over the land.


Meaning: Possessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind.

Example: A beautiful person.


Meaning: The quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).

Example: I was struck by her beauty.


Meaning: Change, or grow to be.

Example: He become an example for all of us.


Meaning: The fundamental principles, as of a teaching, belief, or science.

Example: Let’s strip away the cant and get down to bedrock.


Meaning: Suitable; proper; becoming.

Example: Planned with a befitting sense of majesty.


Meaning: To make friends or become friendly with; act as a friend to; help; aid.

Example: To befriend the poor and the weak.


Meaning: To cause; produce as an effect.

Example: A belief that power begets power.


Meaning: The initial stage or part of anything.

Example: The beginning of a change.


Meaning: To observe; look at; see.

Example: Behold my creation!


Meaning: Conscious, mortal existence; life, substance or nature.

Example: Our being is as an instantaneous flash of light in the midst of eternal night.


Meaning: Cover or adorn with jewels.

Example: In the days of royalty, they bejeweled the rulers with their fine creations.


Meaning: Confidence; faith; trust.

Example: A child’s belief in his parents.


Meaning: To have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.

Example: I you believe in yourself you will succeed.


Meaning: To be in the relation of a member, adherent, inhabitant, etc.

Example: You belong with us.


Meaning: Greatly loved; dear to the heart, a person who is greatly loved.

Example: My beloved brother will return home soon.


Meaning: A standard of excellence, achievement, etc., against which similar things must be measured or judged.

Example: The current price may become the benchmark.


Meaning: An act of conferring a benefit; the doing of good; a good deed.

Example: He is known throughout the region for his many benefactions.


Meaning: A person who confers a benefit; kindly helper.

Example: A low-interest loan from a benefactor allowed them to build a floor for the exhibition hall.


Meaning: Doing or promoting some good; beneficent.

Example: A benefic truce.


Meaning: Conferring benefit; advantageous; helpful.

Example: The beneficial effect of happiness.


Meaning: Something that is advantageous or good; an advantage.

Example: He explained the benefits of public ownership of company.


Meaning: Desire to do good to others; goodwill; charitableness.

Example: To be filled with benevolence toward one’s fellow creatures.


Meaning: Characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings.

Example: A benevolent attitude.


Meaning: Having a kindly disposition; gracious.

Example: A benign manager.


Meaning: Of the highest quality, excellence, or standing.

Example: The best student in the school.


Meaning: To present as a gift; give; confer.

Example: The trophy was bestowed upon the winner.


Meaning: Of superior quality or excellence, morally superior; more virtuous.

Example: He is a better person than before.


Meaning: The improvement of something.

Example: They believed that what they were doing was vital for the betterment of society.


Meaning: Enchanting; charming; fascinating.

Example: A bewitching smile.


Meaning: Superior to; surpassing; above.

Example: Wise beyond all others.


Meaning: Large, as in size, height, width, or amount, outstanding for a specified quality.

Example: A bis success.


Meaning: Generous; kind.

Example: A bighearted person donated to the charity.


Meaning: Something small, delicate, and exquisitely wrought.

Example: A bijou residence.


Meaning: Blissfully happy or contented; worthy of adoration, reverence, or worship.

Example: A blessed peace.


Meaning: Supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment.

Example: The road to eternal bliss.


Meaning: Full of, abounding in, enjoying, or conferring bliss.

Example: A blissful smile.


Meaning: To flourish or thrive.

Example: A recurrent fad that blooms from time to time.


Meaning: Not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring.

Example: A bold hero.

Bona Fide

Meaning: Made, done, presented, etc., in good faith; without deception or fraud, authentic, true.

Example: A bona fide statement of intent to sell.


Meaning: A source of great and sudden wealth or luck; a spectacular windfall.

Example: The play proved to be a bonanza for its lucky backers.


Meaning: Something that binds, fastens, confines, or holds together.

Example: They formed a strong bond during this summer.


Meaning: Cheerful friendliness; geniality.

Example: He exuded good humor and bonhomie.


Meaning: Something extra or additional given freely.

Example: Every purchaser of a pound of coffee received a box of cookies as a bonus.


Meaning: Help or encourage to increase or improve.

Example: A range of measures to boost tourism.


Meaning: A person or thing that boosts, especially an energetic and enthusiastic supporter.

Example: The mascot is the booster of the team.


Meaning: To be master of or over; manage; person in control of a group or situation.

Example: Is she the new boss of this office?


Meaning: Having no bounds; infinite or vast; unlimited.

Example: His boundless energy amazed his friends.


Meaning: Generously given or giving; bountiful.

Example: The earth yields a bounteous harvest.


Meaning: Abundant; ample.

Example: A bountiful supply.


Meaning: Having or showing intelligence.

Example: A brainy meeting.


Meaning: Entirely new.

Example: I got a brand-new car.


Meaning: Possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance.

Example: He is a very brave child.


Meaning: Used in praising a performer.

Example: Bravo! That was a wonderful recital.


Meaning: Fine, good, or pleasing.

Example: It was a braw day.


Meaning: Muscular; strong.

Example: He is quite brawny for his age.


Meaning: Any significant or sudden advance, development, achievement, or increase, as in scientific knowledge or diplomacy, that removes a barrier to progress.

Example: The jet engine was a major breakthrough in air transport.


Meaning: Thrillingly beautiful, remarkable, astonishing, exciting, or the like.

Example: A breathtaking performance.


Meaning: Radiating or reflecting light; luminous; shining, filled with light, vivid or brilliant.

Example: She has a bright smile.


Meaning: Great brightness; splendor, elegance, or magnificence, excellence or distinction; conspicuous talent, mental ability, etc.

Example: The brilliance of a fine diamond.


Meaning: Vigor or vivacity of style or performance.

Example: She told her story with some brio.


Meaning: Quick and active; lively.

Example: A brisk walk.


Meaning: Free from prejudice or bigotry; unbiased; liberal; tolerant.

Example: A broad-minded approach to the subject.


Meaning: Of, like, or befitting a brother; affectionate and loyal; fraternal.

Example: Brotherly love.


Meaning: Lively; effervescent; enthusiastic.

Example: The bubbly spirit of those early movie musicals.


Meaning: A close friend, become friendly and spend time with someone.

Example: They had become the best of buddies.


Meaning: To establish, increase, or strengthen; to construct.

Example: To build up one’s hopes.


Meaning: In a very active way.

Example: She was busily engaged in other activities.


Meaning: Having or indicating an efficient, practical, and systematic approach to one’s work or a task.

Example: His brisk, businesslike tone.


Meaning: To move or act with a great show of energy.

Example: He bustled about cooking breakfast.


Meaning: Actively and attentively engaged in work or a pastime, not at leisure; otherwise engaged.

Example: A busy person.

One last tip

In the end I would like you to recommend you a simple, easy and short exercise that can drastically improve your day and your overall life.

Start your day by choosing a positive word and try to make a couple of sentences that can apply to your daily life, and try to follow up on those sentences. Here is an example, let’s say that the word you choose is “Family”. One of the sentences could be something like:

“Today after I’m done working, I will spend some time with my family.”

Or, if the word is “Positive” one of the sentences can look like this:

“I will try to keep a positive attitude for the rest of the day.”

The sentences don’t have to be too long or too complicated, try to keep them as simple as possible. They also don’t have to include complicated actions, the simpler they are the better.

From personal experience I would suggest you to start with very simple sentences, this way you will be able to follow them, and over time try to make them a little more complex. The important part is to keep them at a complexity level that you can follow.

If you want a little help with choosing a new word every day you can visit this page that will offer you a new word every time you visit.

The words on this page are handpicked by me, and they are the same words I use every day. I started doing this exercise many years ago and it ended up doing wanders for me, and I sincerely hope it will do the same for you.

To make sure we provide the best definitions for the positive words we used multiple reputable sources such as: Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary, Dictionary.com, Merriam- Webster Dictionary, Lexico.com.

While the words used in this article can have multiple definitions and meanings, I tried to choose the most positive ones.

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